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<allpages gapcontinue="Requirements_to_PC_and_Control_Devices" />
<page pageid="196" ns="0" title="Ready iRidium Script Modules">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Ready-made iRidium Script modules are projects for controlling different AV equipment and Media Servers. They include a user interface, the [[AV & Custom Systems]] driver and script files which enable two-way communication with controlled equipment.
You need [[Licensing| Device License Pro for AV & Custom Systems]] to enable work of iRidium script modules on your control panel. It enables communication with controlled equipment.
{|style="color:white; text-align:center; title: left"
|style="border:white; text-align:left; width:260px; padding:15px; background:#54AE71;"|[ <span style="color:white;"><big>Download: Ready-made iRidium Script modules</big><br />downloaded modules can be uploaded on control panels and used for controlling AV</span>]
|style="border:white; text-align:center; width:260px; padding:15px; background:#2A9EBF;"|[[How to Work with Script Modules|<span style="color:white;"><big>Instructions: how to work with script modules</big><br />how to launch script modules on your {{panel}} device, how to change the module style </span>]]
|style="border:white; text-align:right; width:260px; padding:15px; background:#897BB7;"|[ <span style="color:white;"><big>Participate in testing</big><br />you can leave your comments and requests for development of new modules on iRidium Forum</span>]
To learn how to create your own script modules and understand the principles of their work see the following sections
<big>[[iRidium Script API]] and [[iRidium DDK]]</big>
<big>You can learn how to use iRidium Script in [ iRidium Academy]</big>
iRidium mobile Team is constantly working on creation of new modules and you can help us to enlarge our base of script modules:
* Leave your feedback about work of ready-made iRidium script modules – it will help us to improve the quality of the base
* Send the script module you created to Forum. Other installers will be able to use it.
* Send us the description of the protocol for the system you are interested in and we will include it in the development plan.</rev>
<page pageid="100" ns="0" title="Requirements to Hardware">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">===Requirements to PC for Working with iRidium===
{{Requirements to PC}}
===Types of Control Panels Supported by the iRidium Transfer application===
{{Supported panels}}<noinclude>[[Category:Templates:Instructions]]</noinclude></rev>