Event Types
From iRidium Mobile Wiki
Program Events
- EVENT_START – the action at the app start
- EVENT_WORK – the action at the app work
- EVENT_EXIT – the action at exiting the app
Keyboard Events
- EVENT_KEYBOARD_SHOW – the action at showing the keyboard
Screen Turn Events
- EVENT_ORIENTATION – the action at changing the device orientation
Item Events
- EVENT_ITEM_PRESS – the action at pressing on the item
- EVENT_ITEM_RELEASE - the action at releasing the item
- EVENT_ITEM_SELECT - the action at selecting the item from the list
- EVENT_ITEM_CHANGE - the action at changing EditBox
Mouse Events
- EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN - the action at pressing on the mouse button
- EVENT_MOUSE_UP - the action at releasing the mouse button
- EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE - the action at moving the mouse
- EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN - the action at touching the screen with a finger *EVENT_TOUCH_UP - the action at releasing the finger
- EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE - the action at moving a finger on the screen
Device Events
- EVENT_RECEIVE_DATA - the action at receiving data from the device *EVENT_RECEIVE_TEXT - the action at receiving text from the device *EVENT_ONLINE - the action when the device goes online
- EVENT_OFFLINE - the action when the device goes offline
- EVENT_TAG_CHANGE - the action at changing the KNX tag