AV & Custom Systems
From iRidium Mobile Wiki
iRidium for AV & Custom Systems |
Description on the web site |
Specification |
Updated: 18.09.2013 |
iRidium for AV & Custom Systems enables connection to equipment
via the TCP, UDP, HTTP(s), RS232 protocols.
iRidium can send ASCII, DEC, HEX commands and receive feedback from equipment.
Home Theater, Multi-room, TV, DVD/BluRay players, iTunes, XBMC, commutators, matrix, preamplifiers are controlled from any device: iPad, iPhone, Mac OS X, Android and Windows devices.
There is a built-in script language for processing data and creating custom protocols for communication with equipment.
Variants of using “iRidium for AV & Custom Systems”:
- Without feedback - the simplest way. You need to form the list of commands for sending them to equipment.
- Use Ready iRidium Script Modules for control with feedback – each of them include a driver and a control interface.
- You can create a unique driver with feedback for work via RS232 through Global Cache with the help of iRidium Script API and iRidium DDK.
Go through free trainings of iRidium Academy:
- the webinar "iRidium for AV & Custom Systems and Global Cache"
- the webinar on working with iRidium GUI Editor (there is a video record)
- the webinar "iRidium Script"
Licensing of iRidium for AV & Custom Systems:
- Device License Pro (AV & Custom Systems) – a license for one control panel. It can control of any equipment via the AV & Custom Systems driver. “Pro” enables work of scripts in ready modules and custom drivers.
- Site License Pro (Global Cache) – a license assigned to a Global Cache converter. It can be uploaded on several control panels. The license works when there is connection with the licensed Global Cache module: during this time there will be control of Global Cache, any equipment connected through it and all drivers on the basis of AV & Custom Systems in the project.
It is important to know that a Global Cache iTach converter can support not more than 4 control panels at a time. A GC-100-XX converter can support only 1 connection at a time.
Start Your Work with iRidium
Sending Commands via TCP, UDP, HTTP, RS232 Without Receiving Feedback
AV & Custom Systems (TCP) TCP/IP connection (Ethernet, Wi-Fi)
AV & Custom Systems (UDP) UDP/IP connection (Ethernet, Wi-Fi)
AV & Custom Systems (HTTP) connection through the web-interface (Ethernet, Wi-Fi)
AV & Custom Systems (RS232) connection through the RS232 interface (COM-port)
also see iRidium for Global Cache
Connection of Several Control Panels to One GC-100-ХХ
iRidium Gate for Global Cache 100 supports multi-client connection with GC-100-06 или GC-100-12